2010年12月8日 星期三

聖誕特別號: 聖誕英語

Merry Christmas


Christmas tree
Candy cane
Gingerbread house
Christmas pudding  

Gingerbread man

薑餅人歷史: Gingerbread dates back to the 15th century, and figural biscuit-making was practiced in the 16th century. The first documented instance of figure-shaped gingerbread biscuits appearing was in the court of Elizabeth I of England. She had the gingerbread figures made and presented in the likeness of some of her important guests.


Ingredients: (1 杯 = 250 毫升)
  • 1 cup white sugar    一杯白糖
  • 1 cup molasses    一杯糖漿
  • 3/4 cup lard or oil    四分三杯豬油/牛油
  • 1/2 cup hot water    半杯熱水
  • 2 eggs    兩隻蛋
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda    一茶匙梳打粉
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon    一茶匙玉桂碎 
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt    半茶匙鹽
  • 1 heaping teaspoon ground ginger    一茶匙姜碎
  • 6 or 7 cups all purpose flour, use more flour if needed    六至七杯中筋麵粉
Combine first four ingredients, then rinse molasses out of cup with the hot water. Add the eggs and mix to blend well.

Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well until blended. Wrap dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm.
Roll out dough and cut with a cookie cutter. Bake at 350° for about 10 minutes. Makes 6 dozen gingerbread cookies.
 取出麵糰,在桌上灑上麵粉, 將麵糰轆成半厘米厚。用模具壓出形狀,放入焗爐用華氏350(~攝氏175)焗10分鐘。
(tips: 焗盤要掃上油,若薑餅面積較大,先用叉子刺些小孔,讓熱力平均散佈。)
How to make icing?

(Copied from http://kitchen.u21.hk/recipes/ginger/02.php)By Kay

2010年10月14日 星期四


近排電視上面成日播Dove Damage Therapy 既廣告,入面既歌係咪好耳熟能詳呢? 等我地重溫一次喇~! 

Straighting and bleaching and dying and curling
Crimping and cutting and hair finger curling
Braiding my hair through some bright colored rings
These are a few of my favorite things

When the curls break
When the ends split
When my hair goes mad
I simply remember my favorite things

And then I don't feel

(Copied from http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100419001732AA7TZCN)

原來呢首歌係改編自The Sound of Music 既 My favourite things

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens;
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens;
Brown paper packages tied up with strings;
These are a few of my favorite things.
Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels;
Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles;
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings;
These are a few of my favorite things.

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes;
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes;
Silver-white winters that melt into springs;
These are a few of my favorite things.

When the dog bites,
When the bee stings,
When I'm feeling sad,
I simply remember my favorite things,
And then I don't feel so bad.

(copied from http://kids.niehs.nih.gov/lyrics/favorite.htm) 

好~話題扯左有D遠...其實睇 title大家都知道今日要講既係Hairstyles,咁究竟唔同既hairstyle 點講呢?

1. Straight hair 直髮
2. Shoulder-length hair 肩長髮
3. Wavy hair 波浪捲髮
4. Ponytail 馬尾
5. Braids 辮子
6. Curly hair 捲髮

Other words:
1. perm (v. / n.) 燙髮
2. bangs (n.) 瀏海
3. highlight (n.) 挑染
4. layer (n.) 頭髮層次
5. dye (v. / n.) 染髮; 染劑
6. shampoo (n.) 洗髮精
7. conditioner (n.) 潤髮乳
8. split ends (n.) 髮尾分岔

By Kay
references: Live互動英語10月號

想了解多D "Eureka"?! 怏D上我地既網址: http://www.eurekahk.net/ !!

2010年9月10日 星期五

Playing with


1. fat cat
fat cat 有錢有勢的人
The corporation promised there would be no more bonuses for the fat cats on the board of directors.

2. cat got one's tongue
cat got one's tongue 啞口無言; 不吭聲
Why are you being so quiet? Has the cats got your tongue?

3. let the cat out of the bag
let the cat out of the bag (無意中) 洩漏秘密
 I organized a surprise party for Tatiana but Alexis let the cat out of the bag.我為塔緹安籌劃了一個驚喜派,對但艾莉西亞絲卻走漏消息。

4. like a cat on a hot tin roof
like a cat on a hot tin roof 像熱鍋上的螞蟻
想像一隻貓在熱到發燙的白鐵皮屋頂(hot tin roof)上的畫面,就可知道牠為何會如此坐立不安。
Before the opening night of the play, the actress was so nervous that she was pacing around like a cat on a hot tin roof.

5. grin like a Cheshire cat
grin like a Cheshire cat 咧嘴傻笑
Cheshire cat 是《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》裡的柴郡貓,最喜歡露出一排潔白的牙齒傻笑。
After she got top marks in the test, Bertha was grinning like a Cheshire cat for the rest of the day.

6. not enough room to swing a cat
not enough room to swing a cat 空間狹小
My new apartment is tiny. There's not even enough room to swing a cat.

Biz 互動英語9月號 Picture from: http://blog.alexw.net/archives/2005/07/04/262.php  

2010年8月20日 星期五

Let's go out Friday week!

Let's go out Friday week! 
如果有人同你講 "Let's go out Friday week!" 
咁即係幾時出黎?  @@?

"Friday week" or X-day week係英國人常用黎表達時間既方式,但究竟指既係幾時?
Friday week means a week after the Friday that is coming up. 
原來Friday week 指o既係黎緊呢個星期五既之後果個星期五
e.g.今日係星期一 (1號),Friday week指既就係下星期五,即係12號
e.g.今日係星期五 (5號),Friday week指既就係下下星期五,即係19號
當然大家都可以說成 "Monday week", "Tuesday week", "Wednesday week".... "Sunday week" 等等喇!!

By Kay
Reference:http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090207075331AAQK0Db (特別鳴謝 Mr Smith  提供話題)

2010年7月31日 星期六

How to answer

今日先講幾個冷笑話 XD

1. 某日,江澤民決心親自為政治局講第一堂英文課,為了要了解學員程度,以便因才施教。
江在黑板上寫了一句英文:「How are you?」 然後看一看下面的政治委員:「你們誰來說說這句英文的意思?」

註: How=怎麼 are=是 you=你

總書記聽後,有點哭笑不得,但又不便發作,只好說:「再來一句試試……『How old are you?』 」


2. 話說中國一留學生在國外的高速公路,不料出車禍了,連人帶車翻下懸崖,美國交警救援隊趕到後向下喊話道:“How are you留學生答:“I’m finethank you然後交警就走了,留學生就死了。  

3. 相傳森喜郎訪美,助手教了簡單英語:見了克林頓說“How are you?”他回“I am fine, and you你就回:“Me too森喜郎見面時卻說成:“Who are you?”克林頓大吃一驚,但臨危不亂,正好討好身邊的夫人:“I’m Hilary’s Husband”森喜郎這時自豪地、驕傲地看了希拉蕊,無比堅定地說:“Me too

如果唔想出糗,人地問你 How are you? or how are you going? 時,我地可以點答?

如果人地問你 How are you?, How do you do? or how are you going? ,即是問你 '你近況怎樣' 或 '(某些過程) 進行得怎樣',可以答 : Fine, thanks (thank you).
亦可以答 ' I'm good, thanks' or 'great, thanks.'

不過如果大家唔想好似第二個冷笑話咁呢,其實唔需要下下都答好好既,可以直接講出自己既感受,例如你不舒服,就可以直接說i'm noy feeling well,亦可以答 'Not bad' 或 'poor'。

大家有禮貌d既仲可以答完之後加 'How about you?' or 'And you?' 問候番問你果個人 (純粹正常既問候)。

有時可能仲會聽到人家問你 'How are things?' or 'How are things going?',即係問你近況如何?近來如何? ,答法跟'How are you' 差唔多,不過有一點要小心既係呢句係用於比較熟既人之間,因為問呢句既同時都assume你對被答者既事(或背景)有一點認知,所以係唔太適合同第一次見面既人講既。

By Kay


2010年7月21日 星期三

玩 Facebook Games 學英文 - 4

Hotel city 酒店英語
訂房間 Reservation
1. 我要訂房間。I want to make a reservation, please.
2. 你想要什麼樣的房間?What type of room would you like?
3. 我要個單人房 / 雙人房 / 套房 / 蜜月套房。I'd like a single room / double room / suite / honeymoon suite.
4. 我要兩張床的雙人房。I'd like a room for two with separate beds / twin beds.
5. 價格多少? / 一間房一個晚上的費用是多少?What are your room rates? / How much do you charge for one room for one night? / What is the overnight charge for one room?
6. 退房時間是什麼時候?When is check out time?
答案: 請highlight 每一句中文句子的下一行

旅館裡 In the Hotel
1. 我們訂了一間雙人房。
We already reserved a double room. / We have a double booked.

2. 這是我的訂房確認。
Here is my reservaton confirmation.

3. 請把行李直接送到房間。
Please bring my luggage straight to my room. / Please bring my bags straight up.

4. 我們要在502房多加一張床。
We'd like an extra bed for room 502.

5. 我要食物送到房間的服務。
I'd like to order room service, please.

6. 請把這餐記在我的房帳上。
Please put the bill for this meal on my account. / Please charge it to my room.

7. 要怎麼打長途電話?
How can I make a long-distance call?

8. 我被鎖在房間外面了。
I am locked out of my room. / I locked myself out of my room.

9. 我房間內冷氣有問題。
The air-conditioner in my room does not work well.

10. 可以派人來處理嗎?
Could you please send someone to handle this? / Could you please have someone come and sort this out?

11. 我要送洗衣服。
I have some laundry.

12. 明天八點請叫我們起床。
Please wake us up at eight o'clock tomorrow. / I would like a Wake Up Call at 8:00 in the morning.
*電話叫醒服務 Wake Up Call/ Morning Call

13. 你們有免費的市區地圖嗎?
Do you have a free city map?

14. 有機場接駁服務嗎?
Do you have an airport shuttle services?

15. 我們要退房了。
We would like to check out.

2010年7月8日 星期四

玩 Facebook Games 學英文 - 3

又到我寫blog喇~上次同事教左大家由 Facebook "Baking Life" 學英文,今次就由另一個game "Hotel City" 學英文!


Cafe - 小餐館/咖啡店
Disco -  舞廳
Swimming Pool - 游泳池
Phoenix Palace - 鳳凰皇宮 (此為中式酒樓)
Laundromat - 自助洗衣店
Gymnasium -  體育館/健身館
Hot dog stand - 熱狗檔
Bar -  酒吧
Arcade -  機舖
Gift shop - 禮品店
Restaurant - 餐廳
Cinema - 戲院 


下期預告: Hotel city 酒店英語!!

By Kay 

玩 Facebook Games 學英文 - 2

今次跟大家分享到bakeries、cake shops時用到的其他英文詞彙。

1) have a sweet tooth -  愛吃甜點
I have a sweet tooth.

2) flavour - 口味
Which flavour do you want?

3) fillings -  餡料
Here are some standard cakes, but you can also ge them with different fillings.

4) serving size - 一份的份量
May I know the serving size of this cheese cake?

5) edible - 可食用的
The decoration on the cake is colourful! Do you think it's edible?

6) a loaf of bread - 一條/一塊麵包
The loaf of bread looks very fresh and delicious.

7) tray 托盤
May I have a tray for the muffins?

8) many-tiered 多層的
The many-tiered wedding cake looks gorgeous.

2010年7月6日 星期二

玩 Facebook Games 學英文 - 1


以下是筆者推介的facebook遊戲 - Baking Life 內容小分享,以及到麵包店、蛋糕店買餅時接觸到的英語:

 在Baking Life有各式各樣的蛋糕、餅、批、麵包和甜品,你認識多少個呢?


2010年6月5日 星期六

西瓜 – 發動未來的綠能源

Watermelons may fuel the future  -  Brian Foden
What do petroleum and watermelons have in common? It’s probably a lot more than you think. In the near future, people may use this juicy fruit to power their vehicles. It may seem strange, but scientists in the United States are actively studying the possibility.

Don’t get the idea that drivers will stuff watermelons into their gas tanks. Instead, the flesh and skin from the fruit will be used to make a fuel called ethanol. Ethanol is a type of alcohol that is created by fermenting the sugar in fruits or vegetables. Currently, corn is most often used to make ethanol.
Since watermelons have a lot of natural sugar in them, they are ideal for making ethanol. In fact, it is more efficient and cheaper to use watermelons than corm. What’s more, about twenty percent of watermelons grown in the US can’t be sold because they are damaged. The ethanol could be made from these watermelons that would otherwise be thrown away. By using watermelons as a green fuel, life on earth could be a lot sweeter.

這篇是很有趣的一篇文章,真的無想過昨日食過的西瓜可以在不久的將來用來做燃油。用西瓜做燃油唔單止可以解決石油的問題,仲可以解決對粟米需求的問題。根據之前報紙的報導,粟米已經在破壞生態的農作物上榜上有名,因為很多農民由於粟米在全球的需求量大增而將很多樹林都砍伐去開墾作為粟米田; 而其中因為失去大片林木的保護同供給氧氣,還有農地本身的影響,都對環境做成極大的傷害,如果真的可以用被遺棄的西瓜作為新生能源,確實可以對環境保護作出一大的貢獻。最怕一些農民用西瓜取代粟米,大量種植,令西瓜成為下一種破壞生態的農作物。 Kay

By Kay
Live 互動英語5月號

2010年5月25日 星期二

While 當連接詞的用法

1.      指「雖然; 儘管」,可用although代換,用以強調前後兩件事情的對比或差異
e.g. While / Although the weather is warm, I don’t think it is hot enough for us to turn on the air conditioner.

2.      還可指「當..…的時候」,用以連接兩個同時發生的事件。
e.g. Can you hold up the blanket while I brush the leaves off it?


2010年5月8日 星期六

English Exclamation!


What is the correct English exclamation when one is in pain?

A) Oops!     B) Yuck!     C) Ouch! 

You're right! The answer is C (Ouch!)

 今日就會同大家講下呢類英語感嘆詞 (English Exclamation)
A: Ouch! 你做咩打我呀?!
B: 頭先你膊頭有隻烏蠅呀!

A: Yuck! 我件衫係新買呀! 最憎d烏蠅!
B: Ssh! 唔好咁大聲喇,呢度係圖書館...

A: Huh? 你講咩話?
B: 我叫你細聲d呀,呢度係圖書館呀! X@Z%Y#emotion!
老師: Keep quiet!
跟據Cambridge Dictionary,下列既感嘆詞係有咁既意思既:
an expression of surprise or feeling sorry about a mistake or slight accident
e.g. Oops! I've typed two L's by mistake.

Informal used to show that you have not heard or understood something
e.g. "So what do you want to do tonight?" "Huh? What did you say?"
e.g. Huh? These instructions don't make sense!  
humorous used to express disapproval
e.g. Huh, I don't think much of that idea!

used to express a strong feeling of disgust (= disapproval and dislike)at something very unpleasant
e.g. Ugh, I've got something horrible on the bottom of my shoe!
e.g. Ugh, I'm not eating that!

sh! or ssh!
used to tell someone to be quiet
e.g. Sh, you'll wake the baby!

a written representation of a sound that people make when they are pausing or deciding what to say next
e.g. "What do you think of this jacket?" "Um, I don't know if I like the colour."
e.g. "So what did you talk about?" "Um, I don't remember, I suppose work mainly."

used to express sudden physical pain
e.g. Ouch, you're hurting me!
humorous  used in answer to something unkind that someone says
e.g. "I really think you're much too fat, Dorothy." "Ouch, that was a bit unkind." 

an expression of disgust (= disapproval and dislike)
e.g. "Yuck, what a revolting smell!"

used to show surprise and sometimes pleasure
e.g. Wow! Did you make that cake? It looks delicious!

used in a picture or a piece of writing to represent the noise that people make when they are sleeping
(原來呢個zzz 係有讀音架~ 想知點讀? 去http://dictionary.cambridge.org/topics/sounds-used-as-interjections/definition-of-zzz 聽下喇~!!)

如果想知更多英語感嘆詞可以上http://dictionary.cambridge.org/ ,只要search其中一個感嘆詞,右手邊就會有個叫SMART Thesaurus 的方格顯示同類的字,好方便架!

By Kay
Live 互動英語3月號
Cambridge Dictionary  

2010年5月4日 星期二

好文章‧Playing for Points

香港近日hit爆換7-11 嘅IQ博士公仔,原來台灣都興儲印花換野架wor!

Playing for Points  Michelle Adams
Going out for some shopping? Don’t forget your point cards! These days in Taiwan, it seems that almost every store is offering a point rewards system. It encourages customer loyalty* in return for fun and free items or services. Convenience stores like 7-eleven offer a wide range of limited edition* figurines*, toys, and more. Some fast-food restaurants let you trade your points for ice cream, discounts, or buy-one-get-one-free bargains. Mister Donut gives you delicious donuts or decorated pens for your collected points. These stores introduce new reward items to keep customers coming back for more.
The Taipei City’s Department of Health has jumped on this trend by issuing Wellness* Cards. People collect points by getting vaccines*, volunteering, or participating in healthy activities like marathons. The points can be converted* into Taipei Zoo discounts or even an in-depth health checkup*. Nantou (南投縣) Country Library offers points to children who check out books and then turn in essays* or pictures about what they read. That’s one way to encourage kids to read!
A point system rewards both the business and the customer. It also motivates* people to start healthy habits or hobbies. There’s no telling* where your points will take you!

By Kay
Live 互動英語3月號


Loyalty (n.) 忠誠Limited edition 限量版Figurines (n.) 公仔;小雕像Wellness (n.) 健康Vaccines (n.) 疫苗Convert (v.) 兌換;轉換Checkup (n.) 檢查Essay (n.) 文章Motivate (v.) 激發;給予動機There’s no telling…很難預料

2010年4月21日 星期三

Write on the form

on  VS in the form?

尋日寫email的時候遇到一個問題,究竟幾時用on the form, 幾時用in the form呢?

原來當我地寫write sth on the form的時候,因為其實係o係張form上面寫野,所以就應該用 "on the form"; 而當我地寫mention sth in the form的時候,講緊既係form入面既information,即係o係張form入面的information中提及,所以就用"in the form"。


 By Kay

2010年4月1日 星期四

經濟 vs 經濟


 economic 同 economical o既中文都係「經濟」,所以有好多人都好混淆呢2個字。咁我地可以點分呢?

根據Common Errors in English Usage o既解釋:
Something is economical if it saves you money; but if you’re talking about the effect of some measure on the world’s economy, it’s an economic effect. 

根據cycnet.com o既解釋
Economic means "having to do with the economy or the study of economics."
Economical means "careful or prudent in managing finances, money- saving."
Economically is the adverb form of both words. 

即係economical 就用黎講另一樣野較經濟,即比較便宜或實惠; 而economic 就用黎形容國家/地區o既經濟,或關於經濟學。
呢個係比較簡單o既解釋方法,如果大家想知詳細d,可以去呢個網睇睇: http://www.cybertranslator.idv.tw/?p=352

By Kay

2010年3月18日 星期四

will VS am going to VS am having VS will be having

will VS am going to VS
           am having VS will be having

I will have a party on Saturday.
I am going to have a party on Saturday.
I will be having a party on Saturday.
I am having a party on Saturday.
I am to have a party on Saturday.
I have a party on Saturday.


By Kay

2010年3月12日 星期五

Very interesting.


A: How did you like Natto?
B: Well...very interesting.

不論是用餐或音樂,我們可能常會被人問到「喜歡與否」而窮於應答。此時,不妨以誠懇的表情跟對方說: Very interesting。

By Kay
英語1字通 (旺文出版)

2010年2月18日 星期四

Neither 的用法

副詞Neither 指「也不」,常置於句首,但後面的主詞和動詞要倒裝。
e.g. Neither is it always the most hardworking student that gets the highest marks. (neither 置首,主詞 it 和動詞 is 倒裝)
e.g. "Sammi doesn't know how to ride the bicycle." "Neither do I."
"Sammi 不懂得怎樣騎單車。" "我也不懂。"

neither A nor B 指 「A 和 B 皆不」
e.g. They speak neither French nor German, but a curious mixture of the two.
e.g. Neither John nor I have the key, so we have to ask someone for help.
我和 John 都沒有鎖匙,所以我們必須找人來幫忙。 (neither A nor B 當主詞時,動詞需依B 變化: 即 neither John nor I have 而不是 has 。)

By Kay
Live 互動英語2月號

2010年2月8日 星期一



話說呢個網係我地用igoogle的apps時發現的,佢每日都會有一幅新的英文卡通更新,可以放入員工通訊入面,亦可以當作笑話博你一笑 ....
如果o係igoogle想add呢個小工具,可以去新增小工具(add stuff)度search每日漫畫學英語By Kay


WISH 的用法



By Kay

2010年2月6日 星期六

The Dish on GOSSIP 人類為何愛八卦?

你鍾唔鍾意聽八卦野? 我本身就唔係一個八卦o既人,不過有八卦野聽o既時候都總係會豎起耳仔聽下....感覺好似有d奇怪tim....不過我諗大家睇完呢篇文章之後就唔會問自己點解咁八卦,因為原來人天生係八卦o既!!


The Dish on Gossip   - Michelle Adams
Gossiping has long been considered a bad habit. However, a new study shows that being a gossip* may be something to be proud of. After examining a group of 300 men and women, Dr. Nicholas Emler concluded that gossiping is "fundamental* to be human."
In his study, Dr. Emler discovered that eighty percent of our time with others is spent sharing social information. Basically, that mean we spend eighty percent of our time with others gossiping. This has allowed humans to build societies that are much more complex then other animals'.

So, who is gossiping in our complex society, and what are they talking about? According to Dr. Emler, men gossip twice as much as women. In addition, only five percent of gossip is mean. Most of the information passed on allows someone to know about other people without actually meeting them. This doesn't mean you should feel free to say bad things, though. By being a responsible gossiper, you can help build a positive society while still enjoying a nice chat with friends.

1. The dish on... = .....的八卦

2. Gossip (n.; v.)
e.g. She had a gossip with her neighbor. 她與鄰居閒聊了一會。
- (報刊上有關個人隱私等的)社會新聞,小道傳聞[U]
- 愛傳流言蜚語的人;愛說長道短的人[C]  = gossiper
e.g. Kay doesn't listen to gossip, and no one has ever heard her gossip about others.

3. F
undamental (adj.) 基本的; 十分重要的
e.g. The fundamental cause of his success is his hard work. 他成功的根本原因是他工作努力。

By Kay
Live 互動英語1月號