尋日寫email的時候遇到一個問題,究竟幾時用on the form, 幾時用in the form呢?
原來當我地寫write sth on the form的時候,因為其實係o係張form上面寫野,所以就應該用 "on the form"; 而當我地寫mention sth in the form的時候,講緊既係form入面既information,即係o係張form入面的information中提及,所以就用"in the form"。
Something is economical if it saves you money; but if you’re talking about the effect of some measure on the world’s economy, it’s an economic effect.
根據cycnet.como既解釋 Economic means "having to do with the economy or the study of economics." Economical means "careful or prudent in managing finances, money- saving." Economically is the adverb form of both words.